Posted Thursday, 27 March 2025
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An innovative maths program is raising maths confidence and proficiency, with students gaining the equivalent of months of additional learning.
The 2024 Lighthouse Maths graduates and coaches
An innovative maths program is tackling the need to raise maths confidence and proficiency, with students gaining the equivalent of months of additional learning in a year.
Lighthouse Maths is a year-long professional learning program that aims to build teachers’ skills and confidence by using problem-solving and reasoning techniques to teach maths.
Delivered by Scitech, in partnership with Chevron Australia, the program aims to address the maths gap and build confidence, engagement and proficiency in maths.
The latest Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study results released this week showed Australia’s Year 4 maths skills ranked 20th out of 58 countries.
In Western Australia, 66% of Year 4 students were tested at or above the National Proficient Standards for maths, highlighting the importance of continuing to invest in maths skills.
Scitech Manager of Learning Futures Inette Henn said students who participated in Lighthouse Maths classes in 2023 achieved an average of eight months additional learning, beyond the expected growth of one year, when comparing the results from standardised testing.
“In 2024, participating teachers not only reported an increase in student performance after implementation of the Lighthouse Maths practices, but also a 52% increase in student engagement during mathematics lessons,” Ms Henn said.
“Mathematics can be perceived as something reserved for students that are destined to pursue obvious STEM careers like engineering or astro-physics, and therefore a “nice-to-have” resource in the academic toolkit for the remainder of students with the ability or interest.
“In truth, mathematics is actually an essential way of thinking that is in increasing demand across all existing and future industries, making investment in mathematics education an imperative for preparing students to enter a dynamic and competitive international workforce.
“By providing a structured approach for students to work collaboratively on developing solutions to complex mathematics problems, while emphasising communication of their thinking processes, Lighthouse Maths has empowered teachers to address gaps in student understanding, improve confidence and increase the accessibility of mathematics learning to all students.”
The latest cohort of 30 teachers from primary schools across the Perth metro area graduated from the 2024 Lighthouse Maths Program on Wednesday 27 November.
The cohort was led by four Lighthouse Maths coaches who previously graduated from the program, and led workshops and coaching sessions, providing support and guidance.
Roseworth Primary School teacher Jaimel Barrett said participating in Lighthouse Maths changed how she questions students during math lessons.
“I now emphasise questions that encourage students to explain and demonstrate their reasoning,” Ms Barrett said.
“Seeing my students enjoy math lessons and engage more deeply has made the experience even more rewarding.”
Aoife Cooksley, a Year 3 teacher at St Joseph’s Primary School, said her most memorable moments were watching the confidence of students increase and hearing a child say they felt like a genius when their group got to present to class.
A new cohort of 32 primary school teachers will start the Lighthouse Maths program early in Term 1 2025.
Expressions of interest for schools or teachers interested in participating in Lighthouse Maths are open throughout the year on Scitech’s website.
With the support of Chevron Australia, the Lighthouse Maths program is part of Scitech’s commitment to support teachers and create opportunities to further their skills and knowledge in STEM teaching so they are ready to future-proof students for a changing world.
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