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Mission: SPACE launches to Australian primary schools

Primary schools across Australia can join free virtual excursions, professional learning and hands-on challenges that explore the exciting possibilities of the space sector.

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Primary schools across Australia are invited to Mission: SPACE, a free program delivered by Scitech and funded by the Australian Space Agency, to inspire and prepare the next generation for exciting careers in the space sector.  

Students in Years 3 to 6 can become space explorers from their classrooms, with four virtual excursions during National Science Week in August.  

Covering topics such as how gravity works, the virtual excursions will decode the universe in Scitech’s signature fun and interactive style, with special guest appearances from space experts. 

For teachers gravitating to hands-on learning, Scitech is offering Mars Challenge Kits and professional learning to 100 Australian primary schools.  

In the Mars Challenge, students team up to tackle real-life space problems by designing, building and testing their own Mars Rover prototype.  

The kit provides the lesson plan and all materials, as well as professional learning sessions to help teachers integrate technology into classrooms on the challenge day and beyond.  

Scitech Manager of Learning Futures, Inette Henn, said Mission: SPACE would encourage students to explore the possibilities of space careers, while also helping them develop essential skills.   

“Ask primary school students what they’d like to be when they grow up and ‘astronaut’ is certainly in the mix,” Ms Henn said.  

“But what about ‘space lawyer’, ‘intelligent game developer’ or ‘space-based content creator’?  

“Rapid advancements in the space industry, both globally and here in Australia, mean there are so many opportunities for space-related careers across all industries. 

“Mission: SPACE will help prepare young people for dynamic careers here on Earth and beyond, by developing skills in problem-solving, collaboration, technology, and critical thinking.” 

Thanks to funding from the Australian Space Agency, Mission: SPACE is the first time schools outside of Western Australia will have access to a Scitech science education program.  

“Scitech is well known and loved by our WA community, but we’re excited to be delivering our first national program, so we can spread our love of science, technology, engineering and maths to more young Australians,” said Ms Henn.   

Registrations for the virtual excursions and expressions of interest for the Mars Challenge Kits are now open on the Scitech website.

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