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Mission: SPACE

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Funded by the Australian Space Agency, Scitech invites you to participate in this free program for Australian primary schools. Through hands-on student challenges, professional learning for teachers and exposure to space industry professionals, your students will discover what it takes to get humans to space.

When questioning young people about their career aspirations, you’ve certainly heard “Astronaut” or “NASA Scientist” in the mix. But what about Space Lawyer? Intelligent Game Developer? Even a Space-based Graphic Designer or maybe a Martian Content Creator?

Rapid advancement in the space industry, both globally and here in Australia, offers vast opportunities across all industries, requiring a workforce skilled in problem-solving, collaboration, technology, and critical thinking. So, how do we prepare our young people for dynamic careers here on Earth and beyond?

Mission: SPACE will be delivered by Scitech and funded by the Australian Space Agency to primary schools across Australia for free. The program includes two components aimed at inspiring primary-aged students to explore STEM careers in the space sector while equipping them with the essential skills needed to pursue them.


1. Virtual Excursion during National Science Week
2. Mars Challenge

The Mars Challenge is only available for 100 schools. To be eligible for participation, please complete the expression of interest form by 23 May 2025.

Mars Challenge Kit

Participating schools will receive materials in the Mars Challenge Kit to run the Mars Approach Challenge with up to 30 students at a time. The challenge tasks students to design, build, and test their own prototypes to overcome common obstacles when trying to land on the red planet. The kit also includes digital and printable supporting materials to guide you and your students through this hands-on activity.

If you’re ready for more, you can also complete the Mars Explore Extension Challenge. In this activity, students can use the kit resources to take their mission further by employing everything they’ve learned to figure out how to navigate the Martian surface once they’ve landed.


Professional Learning

Two teachers from your school will get exclusive access to a virtual professional learning session with our Digital Technologies curriculum experts. In this session, you will learn how to use the Mars Challenge Kit, get tips for running an epic challenge day, and discover ways to keep the excitement alive by integrating tech into your classroom, challenge day and beyond.


Mars Challenge EOI

Express your interest in participating in the Mars Challenge. The program is only available to a limited number of schools and EOIs close on 23 May 2025.

  • To receive the Mars Challenge Kit, please provide the shipping address of your school.

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