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Scitech / Educators / Professional Learning

Lighthouse Maths

Lighthouse Maths is a professional learning program for primary educators exploring transformational approaches to maths education, which elevate teaching practice and promote improved student outcomes.

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The Lighthouse Maths program develops the capability of primary teachers as leaders in mathematics teaching, with a focus on the use of problem solving and reasoning techniques to develop a deeper conceptual understanding of maths.  

Through workshops, one-on-one instructional coaching and provision of teaching resources, the program aims to equip educators with a diverse tool kit to enhance their confidence in teaching maths, increasing student engagement and achievement along the way.  

Under the guidance of experienced coaches, the strategies explored in the program can be integrated into any whole-school approach to maths or form the foundation of practice within your unique school context.  

With the support of Chevron Australia, the Lighthouse Maths program is currently provided for free over the course of a year to a limited number of schools in the Perth metro region. 

The 2025 program is currently underway. If your school is interested in participating in 2026, please complete the Expression of Interest form below.  

For more information, please see the Opens in a new window:Lighthouse Maths – Information Pack.

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Lighthouse Maths Expression of Interest

  • School Details

  • Principal Details

  • Admin Details

  • This is the person we deal with in arranging logistics, usually a Deputy Principal or Curriculum Leader.
  • Teacher Details

  • Eligibility

    Lighthouse Maths is a very popular program with a limited number of places. As such, a selection process is necessary to determine who will be selected for participation each year. When selecting schools, ICSEA, NAPLAN and the school’s alignment with the program are considered. To help us determine this last factor, please answer the following questions.


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