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Make It To Market

Get innovative with this new all-day design thinking workshop.

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Industries across the world are changing the way they work to embed sustainable practice into all their processes. But how do they find solutions to the wicked problems of consumption and waste?   

With the guidance of Scitech Facilitators, students will gain an introduction to industry-standard design processes to develop and pitch their own innovation to a real-world sustainability problem.  

Throughout the day, students will:  

  • Engage in a design process mapped against the Design & Technologies Curriculum that involves defining the problem, creating, testing, analysing, and communicating solutions  
  • Learn practical design thinking skills and techniques that can be applied across a broad range of subject areas  
  • Develop critical and creative thinking capabilities by generating ideas for solutions and analysing their quality against criteria  
  • Work collaboratively within and across small teams to create and test ideas  
  • Build communication skills through giving and receiving feedback, sharing knowledge, and pitching their final design  
  • Gain an insight into career pathways   

This is also a great opportunity for teachers to develop their own understanding of design thinking and its application in the classroom. We encourage teacher involvement throughout the day.  


Duration: 4 hours of delivery tailored to school bell-times 

Years: 7-9 

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