excursion STEM Careers Program Excursion for Year 7s - Educators | Scitech Skip to Content Skip to Primary Navigation Skip to Search

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STEM Careers Program for Year 7s

Designed to develop Year 7 students’ personal and academic aspirations, the program will inspire new thinking around impactful STEM careers.

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STEM Careers Program for Year 7s

Our secondary school incursions and excursions encourage students to embrace their ‘tech native’ skills and knowledge to carry them into meaningful and varied careers. Open up endless possibilities with a Beyond the Beaker presentation in the Chevron Science Theatre, learn about future Space Sciences opportunities in the Planetarium and explore the new feature exhibition Science Fiction, Science Future.

180 mins

Chevron Science Theatre, Planetarium, Feature Exhibition Gallery

Age Group
Years 7 (Available to years 8 to 12 on request)

2 to 20 March 2019

$6.50 special for term 1 during the above dates (normally $10.50 all other times). Minimum 15 students.

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