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Name Our Space Debris Exhibit: Competition

Help us find a name for our new Space Debris Exhibit!

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When a new species is discovered, scientists use a special way of naming it that involves two Latin words. The first word tells us the group it belongs to (like its friends and family), and the second word is more specific to that species. Sometimes, these species are named to honor important people or the person who discovered them.

In space, objects like planets and moons are named by a group called the International Astronomical Union. They often use Greek words, and many of these objects are named after characters from old myths or important events in history.

Space debris, like rocket parts, doesn’t get cool or special names like planets or species. That’s why we would love your help in naming this one!

Submit your suggestions here before Sunday 25 August!

Name our Space Debris Exhibit

Help us name our Space Debris Exhibit! Submit your suggestions here before Sunday 25 August.

  • Just in case we are unable to email you.
  • Please let us know your suggested name for the new Space Debris Exhibit.

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