This exciting full dome show takes viewers on an unforgettable journey of an Astronaut, from lift off to living on the International Space Station. Discover the perils that lurk in space as ‘Chad’, the test Astronaut, faces everything space can throw at him.
Show times subject to change.
Good to know
- Entry to all shows is included in admission to Scitech.
- Visitors under 12 must be accompanied by an adult.
- Use of mobile phones, electronic devices and photography are prohibited inside the Planetarium.
- For safety reasons, it is not possible to enter or re-enter a session after leaving. Please do not leave children unattended.
- Wheelchair accessible – space for four wheelchairs and carers.
- It's dark during shows. Ask the presenter if you need help.
Astronaut Details
Planetarium View Map
4+ years only
45 minutes
Food and drink not allowed
4+ years only
Narrated by Obi-Wan Kenobi