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Scitech / Educators / Initiatives

STEM Regional Festival

Our regional careers exhibition inspiring secondary students for a future in STEM.

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Regional STEM Careers Exhibition

Ever wondered where STEM can take you? Join us at the interactive Regional STEM Careers Exhibition and be inspired for a future in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

The STEM festival careers expo gives students in Year 9-12 an opportunity to meet STEM organisations from across WA and learn about different jobs, pathways, projects and research. Students will have the chance to meet professionals from the field and get hands-on with various STEM activities.

The location of this event changes each year. Want this event to come to your town? Leave your expression of interest, or query, with our Events team.

2025/26 Schedule

Bunbury: Wednesday 10 & Thursday 11 September

Albany: Wednesday 3 & Thursday 4 December

Geraldton: March 2026 (Dates to be announced)


Past Events

Thank you to everyone who supported and attended the STEM Regional Festivals in Albany, 2023 & Kalgoorlie, 2022

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