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Media Centre

STEM stories not only demand the facts, but detailed information and informed commentary. Here’s your Scitech-stamped access pass.

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Scitech’s in your headline,
and we can help you reach
your deadline.

While it’s not the Hubble Telescope, our media centre will help give you
a clearer picture of all things Scitech. It’s your go-to for media releases (current and archival), the Scitech Media Kit, general imagery and videos – with more available on request. Get in touch with our media team to organise interviews, and coordinate filming and site visits.

The Scitech media team is here to help you with your STEM (science, technology, engineering, maths) stories. Scitech is a leader in STEM education, and we provide an informed voice for STEM in the community – communicating the benefits of STEM education and careers, and the push towards a STEM-enabled future. If you’ve got an idea, more questions
or a suggestion, please get in touch.

woman looking at laptop and robotic arm
A decorative pattern.

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