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School Fundraisers

Inspire your school community with a fun and easy fundraising event at Scitech.  

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Looking for a unique and simple way to raise money for your school? We can help you amplify the fun while maximising fundraising efforts.

School fundraisers are a fantastic way to support your school community, and they don’t have to be difficult to plan or costly to set up.

With the Scitech School Fundraiser Package, our passionate team will help you create an inclusive, memorable night with long term benefits for your school community.

Our school hosted our first Scitech fundraising night last night! It was AWESOME!!!! Thank you to the wonderful, friendly, welcoming Scitech staff. You all made our event very easy and stress free. Our school community had a wonderful time and our P&C have received loads of lovely feedback… We will definitely be back!!

— Angela, Victoria Park Primary P&C President


As I have attended many functions at Scitech and can I just say its a wonderful experience for our children, especially when you have all of Scitech to enjoy it on your own. When I see friends who are on P&F committee at other schools, I always encourage them to do a Scitech night for those reasons.

— Sharon, Our Lady of Good Counsel School


Thanks so much for another great Scitech night! Everyone I spoke to had an absolute blast and loved it. Lots of mentions about how fantastic the science show was too.

— Julie, Kingsley Montessori Primary School

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