Design your first video game with Scitech! With code, art, music, and a little bit of imagination, you can start your game development journey!
Suitable for children aged 9-12 years.
$45.00 Child
$35.00 Child Scitech member
This workshop is two hours.
Workshop fee includes entry to Scitech for registered children on the day of the workshop. Adult entry can be purchased separately.
BYO device option – Scitech encourages participants to bring their own laptop device with them if possible. If you require a laptop device to be provided, please advise in the ‘Additional Comments’ section of checkout.
Parents are welcome to stay during the workshop. If you do choose to leave, we do request that you remain in the vicinity of Scitech so that you are available in an emergency. You will need to provide a mobile phone number that will enable your Junior Scientist to be contacted or collected if necessary, during the duration of the workshop.
Refunds will not be offered unless 48 hours’ notice is given.
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